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Case Study

Tribute Technology


Tribute Technology makes end-of-life celebrations memorable, meaningful, and effortless through innovative technology solutions.



Tribute Technology powers 15k+ websites, most most of which have a flower store. Over the years, numerous experiments with UX, pricing and assortment had been tried without success.


Nimble Gravity implemented an A/B testing framework and corrected Google Analytics reporting. We worked with UX designers to create a new, high-performing shopping experience for Tribute. We continued to iterate on UX improvements to statistically improve conversion rates.


Nimble Gravity’s deployment of  the A/B framework, coupled with analytics fixed and regular test iteration, saw a uplift of 50% in sales in just 6 weeks.


Uplift In Sales In 6 Weeks

Unlock Your Growth

Nimble Gravity has built Engineering teams both small (a few) and large (> 400), around the globe, packed with talent and dedicated to driving results for clients.